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Populate all fields that pertain to your first garnishment. Once you have submitted your first garnishment, you will be redirected back to this page for any additional filings.

Is this judgment from a C2C dispossessory?
Enter case number to populate form:

Please enter the defendant information
Defendant Last Name: 
Defendant First Name: 
Defendant Middle Initial:
Defendant AKA:
Defendant Street Address: 
Defendant Unit Number:
Defendant City: 
Defendant State: 
Zip Code: 
SS # (LAST 4 ONLY): 
Client Tracking Number / Office File #:
Special Instructions for process server (ex. gate code, call number, etc):
1. $  is the balance due, which consists of the sum of
$ Principal, $ Postjudgment
interest and $ Other (e.g., prejudgment interest, attorney’s fees, costs [exclusive of the cost of this action])
+ Garnishment cost of $
2. Judgment was obtained in the
Court of County
3. is the Judgment number.
Upload your judgment: